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Join tutor Yvonne Wood as she teaches you the art of felting with two workshops designed with Christmas in mind = making a festive robin and delightful reindeer.

reindeer 3In this first workshop come and learn how to needle felt your very own beautiful Robin robin one

decoration to grace your home this season.

Needle felting is a very forgiving medium, there are no rights or wrongs, anything can be undone and reworked. In this same way we can be forgiving of ourselves , non judgementally creating a piece of artwork personal to you, inspired by your true self.

The workshops are suitable for complete beginners and those with experience, they are great fun and aim to empower and relax.

The cost is £35 including all materials and light refreshments.

For more information www.needlefeltart.co.uk

Yvonne gained a BA Hons degree from Central St Martins in Fine Art sculpture. She continued her post graduate studies here and then went on to qualify in adult education.On moving to the Cotswolds , with its rich history of the woollen trade, she became interested in using wool and needle felt as a medium for expression, taking the form of 3 dimensional landscapes.

Yvonne has taught in schools and colleges and is offering workshops in needle felt with mindfulness, having practiced mindfulness herself for over  10 years, understands its therapeutic and stress relieving qualities. It  allows us to tune in to our true selves,offering a state of peace and calm.

Her work explores the soft textures, subtle blends of the wool combined with bold, bright colours with shimmering light effects.
Yvonne works from life, taking photographs to translate into dry needlefelted landscapes. The autobiographical works have a three dimensional quality, and record her time, in the Cotswolds and travels abroad, encapsulating those special memories.


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